About Sayyed
Why does body become Najis after soul leave the body and if it is Najis, then how does Ghusl e Mayyit purifies the body?
The miracles (Karãmats) of Fatimah Ma’ssoumah from the words of scholars
New Attitude to Fasting
Let’s think and act differently at last 10 days of the month of Ramadan!
What’s the first step after knowing the goal of fasting?
The differences between goals and the destinations
What’s the first step after knowing the goal of fasting?
What’s the first step after knowing the goal of fasting?
The differences between goals and the destinations
What’s the critical point in reaching to the truth of fasting?
Did Muslims start the battle of Badr?
The role of Muawiya in the martyrdom of Imam Ali, Imam Hassan and Janabe Ayesha
Were the Kharijites the main designers of the assassination of the Imam, peace be upon him, and Mua’wiyah had no role in it? Are the stories related to Qutām’s role in Imam’s assassination true? Or that the main designer of the assassination of the Imam, peace be upon him, was Mua’wiyah , and everything that has been written in history about the perpetrators of the assassination of the Imam, peace be upon him, is fabricated and fabricated to exonerate Mua’wiyah from killing him?
Preparation for the Divine Banquet
Ten session series of talks online in the month of Shaban in the holy shrine of Imam Reza pbuh
A Sip of Spirituality in the Month of Rajab
Online Zoom Sessions and Meetings Index
Is Hoor al-Ain only for men?
Forces of Nafs (soul) and how they release you from suffering and depression
The difference/ relationship between the brain, mind, Nafs (Soul), heart, and recognizing the root cause of
human suffering and depression through the ontological knowledge of these powers.
Protected: Imam Reza Shrine on Social Platforms
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Islamology; Islam and Violence
Suppose you are enrolled in a school and after studying for a while, you have come to the conclusion that the school principal has wrong opinions on educational issues. You decide to fight with him and criticize the school principal’s comments every day in the class and during recreation. Some time passes and the principal treats you harshly and says that you do not have the right to criticize my opinions in this school! If you want to stay in this school, we should not protest the school rules and make the atmosphere of the students tense! You must be silent or you will be punished!
Islamology; How does religion benefit me in my affairs?
Islamology; What is Religion? How does religion benefits me in my affairs?
Forces of Nafs (soul) and how they release you from suffering and depression
The difference/ relationship between the brain, mind, Nafs (Soul), heart, and recognizing the root cause of
human suffering and depression through the ontological knowledge of these powers.
Heavy Costs for the Shrines of the Imams, Why? Are They Satisfied with?
The best answer to this question is that these shrines belong to the Ahl al-Bayt and the Ahl al-Bayt themselves have special care and attention to their shrine. If these constructions, beautifications and expansion of the shrines were not to the satisfaction of the owners…
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