Topics that are said in this broadcast:
- The kindness of Hazrat Masoumah towards the youth of Nakhjavani-Ayatullah Makarem Shirazi
- Release of a prisoner of war-Ayatullah Ibn Al-Reza- Mr. Kashfi (High level servant of Masoumah shrine)
- The reward of honoring the servant- The late Haj Mirza Mohammad Tonkabani
- May his father be sacrificed for her-Ayatollah Sayyed Nasrallah Mustanbit
- The majesty and might of Hazrat Fatima sa- The late Ayatollah Marashi Najafi
- Mulla Sadra and the solution to his philosophical problems
The great mystical revelation of Sadr al-Mutalahin in the shrine of Fatima Masoumah- Ayatollah Javadi Amoli
کنت حین تسوید هذا المقام بکهک من قری قم، فجئت الی قم زائرا لبنت موسی ابن جعفر مستمدا منها و کان یوم الجمعه فانکشف لی هذا الامر
- Iftar with a kiss on the shrine-Allameh Tabatabai
- The intercession of all Shiites- Ayatollah Haj Seyyed Mohammad Wahidi (RA) from one of Sadat Burqai
Imam Sadiq a.s.
تدخَل بشفاعَتِها شیعَتی الجنّة بأجمعهم
10. Hazrat’s care for the pilgrims of his shrine- Ayatollah Marashi Najafi; Pilgrims from Pakistan
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Fatimah Ma'ssumah
The miracles (Karãmats) of Fatimah Ma’ssoumah from the words of scholars
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